Moles Treatments

Moles can be removed just like any other skin growths. When moles are removed, they generally do not return. However, new moles will often grow in those that are predisposed, which may give the impression that the original mole has returned. In general, moles should be left alone if they are not posing any cosmetic problems or do not show any signs of being suspicious.

In most people, moles are too numerous to completely remove, and in many people with a tendency to develop many moles, new moles will keep developing. Generally, there are three reasons to remove a mole:

  • Concerns of melanoma, or uncertainty in the diagnosis. This is the most important reason to remove moles. Although melanoma is rare relative to the other skin cancers, it is very dangerous, accounting for the majority of deaths from skin cancers.
  • The mole is becoming an inconvenience, either because it is becoming irritated or inflamed, or because it is catching on to clothing
  • For cosmetic reasons

What can I expect during the mole removal?

Mole removal is a simple procedure when there is no concern of skin cancer or other malignancies. The procedure should be done in a dermatologist or a general practitioner's office and should not take more than half an hour.

  • A local anaesthetic is used to numb the surrounding area.
  • The mole is shaved off slightly below the skin level, or alternatively, burned off using a cauterize
  • Topical antibiotics will be placed over the removed skin and covered with a bandage
  • The pain should subside in a few days, but an over the counter painkiller can help minimize discomfort during recovery

How should I prepare for the recovery?

If the procedure is to remove a regular mole, the recovery period should be short. Pain should be limited, and typically will last several days. Painkillers are generally not necessary, but if it is bothering you, you may pick up OTC painkillers to help you for a few days.

  • Keep the wounded area clean to minimize the risk of infection-clean twice a day with running water or with a solution that is recommended by a doctor
  • Apply a topical antibiotic to the area
  • Keep the area bandaged to accelerate healing
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